December 11th, 2021
There is an unsung hero involved in the events at Kitty Hawk on December 17, 1903, and that’s the guy who built the engine that powered the Wright Flyer.  His name was Charles Taylor.  He was a mechanic that had been hired by the Wright Brothers to manufacture parts for and to build the 4-cylinder engine that powered the Wright Flyer.  The Wright Brothers had designed the engine because there were none available that satisfied the parameters they had set for their airplane, particularly maximum takeoff weight.  They needed an engine that weighed less than 200Lbs.    
It was instructive that the Wright Brothers had gone to someone else for help to get their project done.  If you were to examine your own life you can probably identify people who helped you on your way.  In my own situation doctors have played significant roles due to the medical challenges I’ve had.  Without these skilled men and women I would either be severely disabled or dead.  Instead, I have been able to do useful things in my life. 
In Christian scripture there is teaching that supports the notion that we need each other to accomplish things in life.  As an example one of the passages is found in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.”